This was featured on
Good Things Utah, about four years ago.
Rusty Pickle did the demonstration and I love doing these! They make such fun, personalized, and inexpensive gifts.
Here's what you need:
a wood block (deck posts are great for this, they'll even cut them for you at Lowe's!), some companies,
Making Memories is one that I know of, sell them.
pictures (printed professionally, i.e. Wal-Mart, Costoco, etc. If you print them using your ink-jet printer at home, the ink usually runs when you top coat them.)
paper and/or paint
StazOn ink
Scissors, decorative edge scissors are fun too (see my scalloped circle at the bottom..)
paper trimmer
Modge Podge (They used PVA bookbinding adhesive, more $$$ but Modge Podge works just as well... I tried 2 blocks, one each way.)
foam brush
emery board or sanding block
Judikins Diamond Glaze (optional, but my favorite!)
Or you can digitally compose the bottom layer (pics, paper, rub-ons, embellishments, etc..) and just move right along with your bad self! My friend Jenny did this, and it was awesome! This also helps cut out the bulk and 3-d-edness of traditional embellishments, makes them flat.
The first step would be to get that block sanded so it's smooth, especially on the edges. The sides really don't matter, since they will be covered.
Next either paint or adhere papers, or both! You do this by tracing the side of the block to be covered, cutting it out, and adhering it down with the Modge Podge, be generous! Smooth out any lumps or wrinkles before it dries! Or paint. Up, down, side to side... however you prefer. Once all sides are covered or painted, and dry, sand the edges down. This ensures that you have no straggly paper edges hanging out where you don't want them later. I also like to ink the edges of the block, sand again, and sometimes re-ink to make it have that aged appearance.
Usually, while the above step is in the drying process, I prep my pictures. I cut them down to the size I want, sometimes ink the edges of the pictures so they pop, mount them on papers, put rub-ons on them, you know...
After you've gotten your base to be the way you want it, then get those pictures on. This step uses the Modge Podge too. Be generous!
You can layer on word strips and any other embellishments over your pictures too. After they are dry, I like to stamp on them directly. That's where the StazOn comes in, it won't run or bleed.
Once you have all pictures and embellishment on and the Modge Podge is dry, top coat your whole block, one side at a time, to seal it all in. You can also use the Diamond Glaze, it has a harder finish, cleans up really well with Windex (cause you know everyone will leave their fingerprints picking up this baby and admiring it!) but does cost more than Modge Podge. The Modge Podge works just as well, just not as hard of finish. Let it dry, and re-coat if needed.
This is Peyton's block, I took the picture before I top-coated it, so there wouldn't be a cube-shaped glare, and you could actually see what's on the block :)

Much love and credit goes to
Brookers for taking such sweet pics... thanks Brooke!