Saturday, December 13, 2008

Pine Cone Ornamants...

This is an oldie (really.. my inspiration came from the small one to the right that I made when I was a sunbeam.. circa 1983?...) but a goodie! It was a fun activity to be had on our cold, snowy afternoon...
All you need are:
pine cones, dry not from our snowy ground today :)
glue, Elmer's is awesome!
ribbon or yarn
First, start by tying your ribbon or yarn snugly around the base of your pine cone. Then, squeeze glue, however you want (that's when you let the kids have at...), all over your pine cone and then sprinkle glitter on it. Shake off excess glitter. Let dry well!
I used gold glitter on ours... it doesn't show up so well in pics... but pretty in reality!
I wish I had only taken a pic of Nathan's hands after he tried to make himself all glitzy...

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