If you know me, I won't post it until the WHOLE area is complete. :)
But I was in need of a special chair for my special little desk. I saw this a while ago, and loved it!! I have been dreaming ever since.
I put on my hunter orange (okay I really didn't do that..) and went hunting.
It also added to my list of good reasons to go to the DI.
On that list:
- 2 garbage bags worth of clothing and shoes
- 3 boxes (2 of which barely fit in my trunk..) of other household goods no longer employed by this particular household.
Went there and found no success.
A lot of fun people, but no success.
I was thinking of somewhere close to go, and stopped at the thrift store on Wall Avenue where U & I furniture used to be..
I went there with my parents when I was 3 to get my bedroom set.. the salesman kept playing footsie with me.. creepy.
Now I wonder if I was the one who started it... hmmm.
Anyway, there I found success, in triplicate.
I really wanted at least 3, and I got 'em!
So here's the before, and I will show you afters of each when I get there.
Total I paid $21.95 for the trio.
Not too shabby, eh?
You go girl!!!!
My dad worked at U and I when I was little...he may have been just starting when your parents were buying your bedroom set.
Everything is looking great so far...I'm going to have to pick your brain on your technique!
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