It helps that we are out of boxes, we weren't there a month ago.. or the month before that. :)
This month's challenge: Pumpkin.
While my recipe isn't typically what one would consider a pumpkin recipe, it does utilize a very integral part of the pumpkin.
Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
What you'll need:
washed pumpkin seeds (all the goo gone..)
butter or margarine
garlic salt
Worcestershire sauce
I like to use my strainer to collect all of my seeds while we are cleaning out our pumpkins during that fun carving process. It is great to take it right over to the sink to wash all the stuff off the seeds.

After washing your seeds and getting all the goo and slimy stuff gone, lay paper towels on a cookie sheet, spread them in a single layer and allow to dry. They will need to dry at least overnight, until they are no longer damp, and you can't bend them. Sometimes they need more drying time and depending on the amount of seeds, you'll need more paper-lined cookie sheets.

Melt your butter or margarine and add 2 tablespoons of the Worcestershire sauce, a teaspoon or two of the garlic salt. Mix well, and add your dried seeds. (Again, if you have more than one pumpkin's worth of seeds, you may need more of this.) Toss the seeds in this mixture to coat them all well.
Dump seeds onto an un-greased cookie sheet, salt lightly and put in a 200 degree oven for about 2 hours. Check as you get close to the 2 hour mark, they might need less time or more.
You are looking for a crunchy, savory, delicious pumpkin seed that you won't be able to stop eating.

We have tried mixing it up and adding other flavors, but we keep coming back to this.
I have no idea how long they keep because they never last more than two days at my house. :)
Super easy, super yummy!!