I know that we all crave comfort foods at times, and those times are usually when we are feeling under the weather.
Ever since Peyton (my 2 year old) decided to be super sweet and share her cold with me, I have been needing some of that comfort.
It also helps that a friend brought over cinnamon rolls and we (and when I say “we” I really mean “I”) just kind of didn’t get enough..
This recipe is the one my mom has used for her cinnamon rolls since, well, ever. This is the one that hits the spot where comfort and familiarity in concerned.
So the other day, when I was feeling in need of some comfort, I popped a couple of reds, a blue or two, washed all the germs from my hands and made me some..
Sweet Dough
1 tablespoon sugar
2-3 tablespoons yeast
3/4 cup warm water
2 cups milk
1/2 cup sugar
2 teaspoons salt
2 eggs
1/2 cup oil or soft shortening
7- 7 1/2 cups flour
Stir yeast and 1 tablespoon sugar into the warm water. Set aside. Mix together in a saucepan: milk, sugar, salt, oil, and eggs. Whisk while heating until quite warm but not too hot. Transfer to a large mixing bowl and add yeast mixture. Mix together and then add the flour, just a little at a time until a smooth dough forms. Knead lightly on a floured surface. Let rise until double. Bake finished product at 375.
Now when I do cinnamon rolls, I roll this dough out on a floured surface until it is 1/2 inch thick. I spread melted butter over the entire piece of dough, then top very generously with: brown sugar, then cinnamon, then white sugar. My mom adds raisins, but because I detest them in everything but Chex mix and Rasin bran, I leave them out. Roll the dough up into a long roll, and cut about 1 1/2 inch sections. Place in a greased baking pan and let rise again. Bake for about 20-25 minutes at the above temperature, or until the tops are nice and golden brown.
While these are baking, I start the frosting. I used to use my plain old buttercreme, but have since fell in love with cream cheese icing on these.
Cream Cheese Icing
3/4 pound butter, softened
1 pound cream cheese
dash of salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 pound powdered sugar (maybe a little more)
Cream together the butter and cream cheese. Add the remaining ingredients and mix well. Add more powdered sugar until you get the desired consistency.
Let the cinnamon rolls cool to touch and then spread on the frosting.
I do not recommend eating one while typing though. ;)