I'll have to start it on October 7th, so in a week, just about...
And guess what?...

The rules are just about the same as last time...
- Leave a comment, which includes either your (that means that you wore it...) favorite Halloween costume EVER... or a favorite Halloween memory.
- If you link the give away from your blog, bonus entry! (You gotta tell me though....)
- If anyone from your blog enters the give away, and drops your name, yet another bonus entry!
The recipient will be announced October 1st... GOOD LUCK!
Might as well press my luck again! These are so darn cute, I just can't help myself!
Ok, Halloween favorite costume has to be when Lee and I were newlyweds and decided to go the Weber State University Halloween Party. We couldn't find any costumes we could afford, so we bought bunny ears that came with a tail and bow-tie. My cute husband agreed to dress up as a bunny with me and go to the big party! What a sport!
I announced your contest on my blog for an extra entry!
I plan to make one, but I want in on the drawing as well....I'll be posting an announcement on my blog as well....I guess...it's hard to announce to what might be my competition!
Oh, I forgot my memory...before we moved here and Cole became able to do his "experience"...when we only had 1 child, and he was too small to trick or treat....we used to dress up as a group.
When Kyle was 9 months, the boys were vampires, and I was the succubus...complete with completely white skin and teeth marks on my neck...and Kyle was the cutest baby vampire ever.
When Kyle was 18 months, we dressed up from "The Princess Bride"...he was the man in black, and I was the Princess bride...and Cole was Fessig....fun times. But now that I have to walk around with all the kids trick or treating, I don't like to dress up...it's hard enough keeping track of them in my street clothes!
Yes please! I would love that cute Halloween countdown. I plan to make the Christmas one (thurs- your house :) I am Jaclyn's friend- not sure if you remember me...
By the way- you did a great job decorating your house. :) And no that is not a bribe :)
well my favorite costume would be my Cruella costume for this year but since I technically haven't wore it yet... i don't think it counts... so my favorite costume would be my Jasmine costume my mom made me. It was quite cute. I know it's OR favorite memory but I want to put my memory on here too. Last year was my favorite memory... making Evan's costume and being so excited for him to wear it and for everyone to see him.
cute! memory... every halloween when little we ate chili, always had friends over to get ready with and at the end of the night me & bros sat in a circle and traded candy, my fave reeses cups!
So I tried to enter the other giveaway but it wouldn't let me leave a message :( So Im glad I have another chance. Memory...favorite outfit...hippie...love the crazy cloths and the ugly jewelry. I loved coming home with my sisters and comparing candy. Halloween is my favorite I love everything about it.
about the Christmas countdown...I hope to get you my sheet pan on wednesday. Will probably come around noon on thursday? Thanks for all of these great crafts!
You are one talented cookie! I would love one! My favorite costume was when I dressed up as Princess Leia. Gotta love Star Wars!
By the way, I saw this through Jaclyn's blog :).
I heard about this from Jenny O's blog.
My favorite costume had to be the Elvis costume I wore to a work party. I had the whole white jumpsuit, cape, glasses and wig. I actually won a prize for best costume that year.
It turned out so cute! Ok, my favorite costume was when I was a frumpy housewife...complete with curlers, bathrobe, slippers, and babies hangin' all over me.
I guess I have to leave a memory to be counted? I have tons of fave Halloween memories because I adore Halloween and making costumes. I guess our family as Annie is my fave. I love Halloween!
Ok, I saw this post through Jenny G. blog! :)
I remember the first halloween after Hayden was born. We were going to the married student ward Halloween party. Hayden was my little pumpkin, I dressed up as a house wife with sweats my hear messed up and my lipstick smeared. Jesse dressed up as a lumber jack.
It was so cute, Hayden still to this day loves being a pumpkin.
Too cute!!!! I want one. I hate to say it but I really can't remember Halloween when I was little. Sad I know. My mother didn't really make it a big deal like I do with my kids.
I can tell you a favorite Halloween memory with my kids.
Before I had kids, I loved seeing all the kids dressed up for Halloween so the year I got Anna I had to find the cuties costume for her. I found a strawberry she was so cute. I even entered her in a Halloween costume contest. She came in second. I’m linking you to my blog.
i am coming to the crafternoon. not sure what time i will be there. but for sure plan on us!
my favorite costume has got to be when me, my sis steph and my mom dressed up as the three witches from hocus pocus. it was so fun. i love halloween, especially now that i have kidlets that also get so excited about it!
Very cute Min. My favorite Halloween memory is the first year that Shane and I were dating and we went to a Halloween party at the stake camp and we dressed like doctors. Shane won the donut on the stick contest and Nick Ritchie was duct tape king
What a fabulous and talented women you are! I love this Calendar and had to bop over and enter!
My fav costume was last year my husband and I were total 80's prom. It was hilarious and fun!!
I love this cute countdown calendar. I got your link off of my cousin, Jenny O.'s blog. My favorite Halloween costume was always a witch. I think I was a witch several times and it's still my favorite costume!
Oh oh oh!! I hope I win!! So my favorite halloween costume had to be last year when I dressed up as an old hag and went to the school. I had big black circles under my eyes, wrinkles, hair in curlers, hair net, robe, slippers, huge belly, and best of all - bubba teeth. Mason was pretty good about it and laughed. But Kylee - she saw me coming and HID under her desk. When I would try to talk to her she was overcome with humiliation and would act as if I didn't exist! It was SOOO funny!
Mindy, If I win I will actually show you a picture of the bestest, most humiliating costume ever!!
Love ya! Nat
I linked you on my blog...
I show your link on Brooke's blog. The only costume that I remember wearing was one that I made for me and Greg to wear to a MIA (YM/YW) activity before we were married. We were Raggedy Ann and Andy. Red wig and all.
Brooke's mom (Kathy)
my favorite halloween costume was probably when i was an m&m because i love chocolate! i got your blog link from SARAH ANDERSON. cute cute calendar!!
your linked from my blog as well!
SO cute! I came from Jaclyn's blog. You know she has quite the fan club! Halloween was always stressful for me as a kid, never could figure out what to be! So my best creation was a tree! There is a pic somewhere on my blog of it even!!
I linked to this through Brooke's blog. I'm her cousin Charity.
I was trying to decide which memory to share. I have two that stick out in my mind. Sorry, I'm giving you both. When I was little I dressed up as Pippi Longstocking. My mom put my hair in braids, wove pieces of metal hangers in them and curved them up. I also wore striped socks and ragged clothes to go with it. I thought I was so cool since I had the red hair to go with it.
The other wasn't a great memory, but very memorable. A lady in my ward helped my sister make a KitKat costume out of a box. It looked just like a real KitKat bar. She wore it one year and since I didn't have anything else, I wore it the next year. It was a long thin box so every time I had to climb someone stairs my knees kept banging on the box. I felt like I was going to fall off the porches because it was throwing my balance off. It was a LONG uncomfortable night.
Hi there! Ally sent me and I am linking you to my blog. My best costume ever was a caveman/woman. It was the only time I went all out and it turned out to be a great costume. Thanks for the opportunity to win a great gift.
oops..a little late. Sorry. It looks great anyway :)
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