I am ever aware just how far away July is. It is so far in the rearview at this point, but now is when I also have the time..

This sweet little block was inspired by a craft idea I saw on “How Does She”, but this version has a couple of twists to it.
(But gotta give credit where credit is due!!)
I simply took a 4x4 post, cut it, with some help ;), down to 12 inches. It also works great in other lengths.
I painted the edges that would later peek through the paper and let it dry while I cut my scrapbook paper. I chose to round the corners on this one, I like the way it turned out.
Next, I modge podged that cute pre-cut scrapbook paper onto the block and let it dry while getting all the wrinkles and bubbles out.
When the modge podge and paper combo. was thoroughly dry, I marked on the top, very lightly, 12 staggered little dots where I drilled with a 1/16 inch drill bit.
(You might want to distress it by sanding and staining here a little too..)
I cut wire in two lengths, 8 and 11 inches, curled half (sometimes a little more), and kinked the base of the curl. Those got stuffed in the drilled holes (and can be glued if your kiddos are like mine… I used E6000).
So cute to display cards, pictures, notes, or even activities for the holidays, snowy days, or even birthdays..
I have a Christmas one too.. this one is for my January Snowman theme. But I will be making many more! A birthday display block is next on my list. Let me know if you want to play too!