Today, I got to it..
Sewing projects.
Lynn made her little Care Bear a bed.

She's so creative.. using a soup can crate as the frame, her blanket folded-up to make a comfy mattress.. Care Bear needed pillows, I was told.
So we made some pillows. Lynn picked-out the fabrics and drew the size she wanted them all to be on the chalkboard..

Care Bear had better sleep well tonight!
But with a mom like Lynn, I am sure she will..

A camera strap to go with my new camera..

I am a geek, this was something I was so excited for, just another plus to my new camera!
And pillows to go on my Mother's day gift..

It is driving me nuts that the Damask is sideways.. that whole print was just crooked, and I keep messing with it to get it positioned the way I want it. That yellowish-greenish color, that looks like breastfed baby poop, matches my siding PERFECTLY.. I love this fabric.
Don't be surprised when you see dresses and/or skirts in the same print soon!! ;)