Really, there are so many people to thank!
Well, first, Heavenly Father who has given me all of my gifts and talents...
Then next would be
Cutie Pie Hair Creations, for the nod...
My mom, for teaching me my
My Grandmother's, well, for the genetics, but for teaching my mom, and me...
My Great-Grandmothers... for starting it all...
My mother-in-law, for bestowing upon me cool new gadgetry of various mediums.. and most recently, her Cricut ;)
JoAnn's, Robert's, Michael's, Ben Franklin's, many inspiring web sites... Creating Keepsakes...
Sleepless nights...
My shower, for it is the best thinking place
Other talented people who often plant the seed of an idea... until it rolls like a snowball down a mountainside...
Oh, and my hard-working husband, who funds all of my exploratory crafting efforts!
Okay... I'll get on with it...
Here's the rules:
Nominate at least 3 more blogs (It used to be 10, but come on, lets save some for the others... and notice I said
AT LEAST 3... feel free to do more!) of any kind that you love to read. Write a post about the blogs you picked, linking back to me and to them. Once you’ve posted, return here to let me know your post is done and be sure to let them know, too!! So here are my picks for the award - no particular favorite listed first, or last...
Babbling Blather... because sometimes, you just need it... okay, more than just sometimes... A LOT OF THE TIME!!! I just wish the posts were in conjunction with my daily struggles and the exact time they take place... and a little alarm would "ding!" to let me know there was some comic relief.... plus this guy is just plain cute!
Mr. & Mrs. Pockets... because I love to hear about how awesome and loved my little bro is... yes, he is the superhero in just about every tale told... and she's a girl after my own heart! Crafty, all mom-ish... that's why I am leaving my kiddos to her in case anything tragic should befall me... and no, there is no family style favoritism going on here...
Just Us... or as I like to call her, "
E-Kartch"... now she knows!
Eeekk!... but I love the woman! She is incredibly talented... she has two girls, I have two girls (
+1 ;)...). She loves to scrap, I love to scrap! She is witty and fun, I try to be... She's always trying something new, and I wanna too. She bears her testimony like it's nothin', and I love that! She loves give aways, as do I! Basically I love to read her blog and I try not to constantly leave comments like I am stalking her...
So there it is.. I feel kinda naked now:-0... and I hear the strings beginning to play.. here comes that girl to escort me off of the stage...